It's been a really long time since I've done a homeschooling post.
Don't worry - this isn't one, either.
But schooling did get me to this post.
While doing Geography today we were studying some recommended reading. This geography book let's you teach K-6th grade, and this particular book was perfect for Max's age.
A House is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman.
A delightful book.
Lines such as . . .
How pockets are houses for pennies
And pens can be houses for ink;
How peaches are houses for peachpits
And sometimes are houses for worms;
How trashcans are houses for garbage
And garbage makes houses for germs . . .
We were laughing and creating our own, such as mine and Izzy's -
A closet can be a house for stuff
While a teddybear is a house for fluff;
Sweet, right?
Then there was Max's.
Yes, here we go.
This is my son's rhyme - even though it doesn't rhyme.
A potty is a house for tee-tee and poop
And a nose is a house for boogers.
Now, ask me again why I don't blog about homeschooling much?
Maybe because sometimes I feel about as qualified for this job as -
"There is no reason to become alarmed and we hope you'll enjoy the rest of the flight. By the way, is there anyone who knows how to fly a plane?" - Elaine on the movie Airplane
Yep, we're rolling right onto the genius train around here.