I'm working backwards - from today back to Monday.
Finding Friday's Fave Five through my blogger friend Lisa Notes. Lisa has one of those blogs that I envy. The kind that has a post each and every day. The kind that has encouraging posts every day - even if she's having a not-so-good-day. Oh so honest. Oh so thoughtful. Oh so encouraging.
Planning a surprise for the parents of my drama homeschooling students. Shhhh . . .
Stopping by on the way to church at a ditch and watching Izzy turn it into a beautiful photo. She is enjoying my camera more than I am. She's better with it than I am.
My berries -
Her berries -
See. Told 'ya.
Supper with the families of Gregg's Bible study group and laughing so hard - at myself - that I cried. Yes, during my short subbing office time Monday I did delete the telephone numbers of every single church member. Can't thank you enough, honey, for getting me out of that one.
Earning some extra money and need I explain that one?