Remember at 1:00 in the morning in bed when we were googling favorite love songs and quotes?
Remember that I couldn't find the Cary Grant quote I love?
Found it.
-My world goes around only because of her, she's the focal point of my existence. Everything I've ever done has either been for her or on account of her. We've been friends as well as lovers. If I sing in my bath it's because I know I'm going to have breakfast with her. Without her I'd not say I'd be lost, but I certainly wouldn't be very clear in my mind. I wouldn't know which way to turn.
-You must love her very much.
-Love and like and value.
- - The Grass is Greener
The grass can always seem to be greener on the other side unless you are part of a circle. Thank you for being my circle.
love you,