Have a dressed up day!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cheering Them On

And finally, to my oldest, Delia.

This past weekend seemed to be all about your sisters, didn't it?

Goat shows and singing and cakes and signing.  Where were you in all of this?

Right where you belong.  By their sides, cheering them on.  You may not think I hear all the encouragement you give them or all the proud words I hear you speak to others about them.

I do.

But more than that, you impressed me.  There are not many twenty year olds who will step up and hold their own with ten women over thirty-something and be brave enough to give a baby shower.  Most would just let the old women do it.  Especially for someone they barely know.

But she matters to you, and for reasons only you and I know, that makes me swell with pride for the young woman you have become.  All are worthy, and you speak that in volumes.

You think your talents seem to blend into the woodwork, but the strength is found in the grain.

Each day your gifts come more clearly into focus as you seek the answers to the questions you have.  You deal daily with limitations that make your Mama scream inside with the unfairness of it all, but you handle it with grace and dignity.

Others may not have thought this weekend was about you, but we know better.  You are the big sister - today and always they will draw strength from you. 

Sisters.  When it's about one of you - it's about all of you.

Drawing of me losing my cool courtesy of budding artist, Izzy.

Have a dressed up day!

. . . put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12