I'm already behind in my new year. I haven't been on the computer in days - so I missed all communication between the other moms in my homeschooling group to plan out the first few months of the year. Now all that is available are months I cannot do because of bible school preparations.
I feel like a sloucher and a slouch.
Christmas still sits in corners packed away but not packed up. The tree sits empty by the window looking as dark as my mood's been the last two days.
I had to put socks on this morning - I'm a barefoot kind of girl - 'cause my floor's too dirty to walk on - sticky and grimy and nasty lazy feeling.
Like me.
But I read Vicky at Having Some Work Done and she speaks of how I feel this year and after each Christmas and once again God sends a blessing in another's words. Thanks, V. Maybe not next year?
Thank you, Father God.
For the joy of your blessings can be as simple as everyday not feeling like Mondays. Everyday not bringing troubles or sorrows or sadness or confusion or frustration or hurt in a friend's eyes.
But more than this. For the absolute contagious joy that comes even when a day is like a Monday.
My gratitude list continues . . .
chubby cheeks
a surprise in the mail
gathered around the table telling him what we each love the most about him
a surprise in the mail
gathered around the table telling him what we each love the most about him
delia crying cause only he can make her really laugh right now
strangers wishing him a happy birthday
smiles from other moms
telling birthday wishes in secret - to everyone
finding my glasses in just the nick of time
laundry folded and folded and folded - maybe tomorrow put away - the promise of the maybe?
bonus checks
moms who plan and love me in spite of my ball
rice krispy treats
sleeping beautiful nephew
shout spray
free cupcake wrap templates
prayers for Shelby
$1 value drinks
lesson that I hope she learns because of another's mistakes
prayers for job seeking
homemade soup and pound cake and pimento cheese
excellent on a resume and cover letter - so proud
the sound of ruben's voice on the computer and the reassurance it brings
My list, #'s 776-797.