So I miss an email from a dear friend. An email I should have responded to right away so she would know the subject doesn't bother me.
And I respond three days later.
I fuss just a little bit at He's Too Good To Me 'cause he gets our emails on his fancy little phone and didn't tell me I had one.
He's still in training, y'all.
So, if I neglected please forgive?
You can blame him - he doesn't mind - he's used to it.
My gratitude list continues . . .
chances for the young
t-shirt aprons
consignment sales
a fixed computer
a door held open
100 degree breeze
anticipation of a sister's visit
the velveteen rabbit on tape
jasper and mazacks
anticipation of a sister's visit
the velveteen rabbit on tape
jasper and mazacks
a clean bathroom - thanks, honey
free buffet lunches
the promise of fall
sleep by eleven
sleep by two
no sleep at all
chocolate on the corner of his nose
when there are no words - but you can still reach out and take hand
math on the front porch
chocolate chip cheesecake
his going to work with Daddy
a few hours of quiet
the lonliness of a missed voice
gourd art
forgetting it's Tuesday and thinking it's Monday, but knowing gifts are worth counting no matter the day
My list continues, # 666-689.