My oldest daughter, Delia, took that great big step into dorm life in August. She ran past Go and did not even ask - Mother, may I?
Doesn't that mean she has to go back to the beginning?
The first couple of weeks she came home during the week, even spent a night or two at home. Even though I know it wasn't to see me, it was to see her sweet young man, Ruben, I still got to reap the benefits of it.
Then Mr. Know-It-All-Mike told me that would not last. He jinxed me.
This is her cute dorm room she shares with Lana. Didn't they do a great job! We painted her rug and now will paint Lana's with turquoise flowers.
This is the first week she stayed all week - all 4 days of it after Monday's holiday. Today she comes back home. Hurry home, baby girl, we miss you.
O God, Thou hast taught me from my youth; And I still declare Thy wondrous deeds. Psalm 71:17