Have a dressed up day!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kicking Desperation in the Butt

Due to an unsatisfied heart in our home a while back there was much prayer and discussion going on about God's will for our lives, waiting on God's timing, and open doors.  Along with all of this we discussed how to be content with where you are in your life.
An opportunity had arisen and I was desperate to know God's plan.  Before, Desperation was peeking its ugly head around my corner - now it had its talons sharpened and was circling overhead, waiting for my kill.

Desperation is an alais for the one that I do not belong to. He has a long wait - to be exact - an eternity.

Isabela has a Pygmy goat; his name is Dodge.  Pygmy goats are like pot-bellied pigs - farm animals that make good children's pets.  Dodge is gentle and loving.  There are two things that make him unhappy.  One, the rain.  But life is fine, if it starts to rain he just goes to his house.

The door is always open - probably because there is no door - but I'm trying to make a point.  Here comes the rain, there goes Dodge.

Two, Dodge does not like to be hungry.  But life is fine, he just knocks on the door and lets us know.  He stands up with his two front legs on the storm door and goes to knocking with his hooves.  He will knock as long as it takes for someone to come to the door and feed him.  The door is closed but he is persistant until it opens and gives him what he wants.

Like Dodge has the door of his house to walk thru for comfort and refuge,  our Father God always has an open door for us.  This open door leads directly to Him. 

What about the other kind of doors?  Chances, opportunities, risks, blessings.

Sometimes I'm guilty of viewing an opportunity as a door that God has opened, when really I am just being persistant.  I am hungry for something and want what I want, so I imagine it as God's timing or desire for me.  I go to knocking and don't know when to give up, or better yet, wait.

Remember the game show Let's Make a Deal? 

Host Monty Hall's job was to make you choose Door #1, #2, or #3.  Sometimes, if you didn't like what you got, you could trade it in.

Life is not a game show.  But I do have free will.  If I walk thru a door that is not in my Father's will, there are consequences.  Just like on the game show, when your prize could be sidekick Jay sitting in a highchair with a baby costume on, those consequences ain't pretty.  I need to choose wisely. 

If I don't, I can't trade my life in; but, I get something even better -forgiveness.

Choosing wisely is not easy when I am desperate. So God gave me a gift - His Word. A roadmap.

I found an excellent writing on God opening doors in our lives. Reading it gave me much to think on and pray about. A new perspective for me and bibically based.

I love to be taught something new when my brain is foggy with confusion and Desperation is hissing overhead.  The only thing I will be desperate for is my God - so the other is a goner.

God's Word. Excellent defogger and shotgun - all rolled into one.

“Therefore I am now going to allure her, I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of (Trouble) a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the days she came up out of (bondage). “In that day,” declares the Lord, “you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master.’

Hosea 2:14-16

Drawing of me losing my cool courtesy of budding artist, Izzy.

Have a dressed up day!

. . . put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12