Have a dressed up day!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What the Word? Wednesday

Welcome back to What the Word? Wednesday.

First, I'll share.  Maxster is not wanting to participate in this little game of ours any longer.

Maybe I'll bribe him with a pony next. Apparently, he's had his fill of oreos.

So, you'll need a little extra luck this week.  You're welcome.

Truth is - he really does a hatchet job on these words, anyway. 

Hint:  It's really his second favorite television show.  There are three words in the title - not four, like he says.  He repeats the second word and makes it the last.  Make sense?  Didn't think so.

See all those little pieces of white paper laying on my buffet behind him?  He found his "babe sisses" today and cut 8,453 of those.  All. Over. The. House.

Anyone want a Maxster who can't speak English? He's free.

Post all guesses under comments below and check back tomorrow on this post for the answer - and again, good luck.

Donna got it first, Donna got it first.  That came from Donna - nah, not really.  Kudos to Donna and her cool bunch of homeschooled kids.  Maxster's second favorite TV show is,  "Go, Diego, Go" + an extra Diego.

Y'all are learning to speak his language so well that next week I'm gonna really sock it to 'ya.

One question - no one seems to want my child?  I'm truly crushed and offended.  Is it the 8,453 little pieces of paper? Cause if it is - I can, you know - keep those here.

That's just a joke - you can take my life but you can't take my child.

See 'ya next week for more What the Word? Wednesday.
Drawing of me losing my cool courtesy of budding artist, Izzy.

Have a dressed up day!

. . . put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12